"The Consequences of Entitlement, Violence, and Playing the Victim Card"

In a shocking display of entitlement and audacity, Deobra Redden, a convicted felon, recently attacked Judge Mary Kay Holthus in a Las Vegas courtroom moments after pleading for leniency. This incident highlights the brazen disregard for authority and raises questions about the consequences – or lack thereof – that some individuals face in the criminal justice system.

The Plea for Mercy: Redden, a 30-year-old with a history of criminal offenses, found himself in court facing charges of attempted battery. However, rather than expressing remorse, he pleaded with the judge not to send him to jail, claiming that he had reformed and was no longer committing crimes. This plea for mercy serves as a common tactic employed by individuals seeking to evade the consequences of their actions, painting themselves as victims rather than perpetrators.

The Shocking Assault: His true nature surfaced disturbingly despite Redden's plea. In an unprecedented move, he leaped over the judge's bench and physically attacked Judge Mary Kay Holthus. The audacity of this assault on a figure of authority speaks volumes about the unchecked entitlement some individuals feel, even within the confines of a courtroom.

The Victim Card: Redden's attack on the judge manifests a more significant issue within the criminal justice system – manipulating the victim card. By portraying himself as a victim of circumstance, Redden attempted to sway the judge's decision in his favor. This tactic undermines the credibility of genuine victims and exposes the lengths to which some individuals will go to avoid facing the consequences of their actions.

The Consequences (or Lack Thereof): While the attack left Judge Holthus with only light injuries, the incident is a stark reminder of the potential dangers those working within the justice system face. Redden, taken back to jail after the assault, now faces new charges, including battery on a protected person, which carries the possibility of a four-year jail term. However, this incident raises broader questions about whether the consequences for violent criminals are sufficient to deter such behavior.

Past Offenses: Redden's criminal history, including a previous stint in jail for domestic battery, adds another layer to the narrative. The fact that he was in court for attempted battery while having a history of violence underscores the failures of the system to address and rehabilitate individuals with a propensity for criminal behavior.

The case of Deobra Redden serves as a disturbing example of entitlement, violence, and the manipulation of the victim card within the criminal justice system. The attack on Judge Mary Kay Holthus highlights the potential dangers faced by those administering justice while also shedding light on the need for a comprehensive reevaluation of the consequences faced by individuals with a history of violent offenses. As society grapples with the complexities of criminal justice, it becomes imperative to balance rehabilitation and accountability to ensure a fair and effective system.

In conclusion, the events surrounding Deobra Redden and Judge Mary Kay Holthus highlight a concerning future where entitled individuals feel they can evade consequences for their actions. These incidents serve as an example of the undercurrent of eroded morality, where some people believe they are above the law. We must join forces in a collateral effort to suppress this mindset and restore faith in the criminal justice system.

It is crucial to support our police force and acknowledge their role in maintaining law and order. Scapegoating law enforcement to meet political agendas only undermines their efforts and further perpetuates the erosion of morality. As citizens, we must stand united with those who uphold justice, including judges and prosecutors, recognizing our vital contribution to a functioning society.


Roland Clee said…
Another great article. Very good analysis of this shocking episode.