Unveiling the Horrors: "A Glimpse Inside City Nightz Shooting Incident" Who's Next? (Wichita, Kansas) July 07, 2023 Black Community Homicide investigation law Enforcement Mental health mental illness +
The Fallout of Defunding the Police: When Good Intentions Yield Undesirable Results July 03, 2023 Black Community Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Innocence Project investigation law Enforcement Mental health Police Discipline Use of Force +
"Examining the Grisly Reality: Which City Will Be Next for a Mass Shooting this Holiday Season?" July 02, 2023 Black Community Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Innocence Project investigation law Enforcement Mental health Police Discipline Use of Force +
How Woke Legal Policies Failed, Leaving Law Enforcement Holding the Bag July 02, 2023 Black Community Gen Z police officers Inner city Violence investigation law Enforcement Mental health mental illness Police Discipline Use of Force +
"Examining the Constitutionality of Stop and Frisk: Protecting Civil Liberties While Ensuring Public Safety" June 29, 2023 Black Community Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Innocence Project investigation law Enforcement Mental health mental illness Software Tracking +
"Officer Scott Peterson Trial: Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don't" June 29, 2023 Black Community Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Innocence Project investigation law Enforcement mental illness Use of Force +
"Unraveling the Fabric of Justice: The Consequences of Police Leaders Endorsing Criminal Behavior" June 29, 2023 Black Community Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Innocence Project law Enforcement Mental health Police Discipline Use of Force +
"Unmasking the Illusion: The Pitfalls of Social Justice Policing" June 29, 2023 Black Community Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Inner city Violence Innocence Project law Enforcement Police Discipline Use of Force +
"Retain and Recruit Act the stoppage of theft of Detroit Taxpayer's" June 22, 2023 Black Community Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Innocence Project investigation law Enforcement Mental health Use of Force +
The Cost of Crime? June 21, 2023 Black Community Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Inner city Violence Innocence Project law Enforcement Mental health mental illness Police Discipline +
"Off Duty, Concealed Carry: The Case for Police Officers Keeping Their Weapons Discreet" June 13, 2023 Black Community Corruption Inner city Violence investigation law Enforcement Mental health mental illness Use of Force +
Beneath the Surface: "The Hidden Psychological Realities and Occupational Risks of Police Work" June 10, 2023 Black Community Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide Inner city Violence Innocence Project law Enforcement +
"Are Officers Compelled to Make an arrest If They Use Force" Part 1The Greektown punched June 06, 2023 investigation law Enforcement Police Discipline Use of Force +
The need for Use-of-Force expert in Administrative hearing Part 1 June 04, 2023 Corruption Due Process Gen Z police officers Homicide investigation law Enforcement Police Discipline Use of Force +
Criminals Traumatized by Consequences of Death part 1 June 01, 2023 Corruption Due Process Homicide Inner city Violence investigation law Enforcement Mental health Use of Force +
The Complexities of Police Use of Force: Examining Policies and Practices" May 26, 2023 Due Process investigation law Enforcement Police Discipline Use of Force +
The Detroit Partnership May 24, 2023 Inner city Violence investigation law Enforcement Mental health mental illness +
Misusing The Innocence Project May 21, 2023 Black Community Homicide Innocence Project investigation law Enforcement Police Discipline +